Before Your Tanning Experience
After making your tanning appointment begin moisturizing your skin at least 2 times a day to prepare your skin for tanning. Bonus Points if your tan is scheduled a few days in advance. The more time you have to moisturize, the better.
Bathe, shave and exfoliate your skin prior to your tanning session. Avoid using pre-tan scrubs with oils in them. We recommend using a washcloth or body scrubber if you’re not sure whether your pre-tan scrub contains oil.
Prepare your tanning bag with loose dark clothing (for after your tanning session). Avoid tight or restrictive clothing. Check out our favorite after tan apparel here.
Clean and Clear
Come to your appointment with clean skin. No deodorant or makeup. If this is unavoidable, let your tanning technician know. We keep on-hand, cleansers, makeup removers and can help you remove deodorant beforehand.
After Your Tanning Experience
Let It Set In
Unless otherwise specified by your tanning technician, we recommend that you leave your tan on at least 8 to 10 hours before you take your first shower. DHA will deepen in color 3 to 5 hours after your tan and will continue to develop for up to 24 hours. Letting your tan set in will ensure a deep tan that will last.
No WATER / NO touchy
During color development and until your first shower, we highly recommend avoiding water and heavy petting. Rain, swimming, splashes of water, and even sweat can result in streaky uneven results. Make every effort to avoid sweating as much as possible. Sweating while sleeping; or any time during the development process may lead to streaky results.
Also keep in mind that touching your skin with your hands can cause the color to transfer color to the palms of your hands or finger tips.
your first showeR
During your first shower rinse thoroughly with plain water, removing the temporary bronze color until the water is clear. Be especially aware of rinsing your feet and ankle area as those areas can become uneven or too dark in color.
After your first shower begin moisturizing. Then moisturize daily! Wait at least 24 hours from your first shower until your second shower.
Schedule your tanning experience today